OIF Mission Statement

Seeking, receiving, and managing funds and real personal property for the benefit of Optimist International and its Member Clubs in its charitable, literary, and educational activities.

How Does OIF Support Optimist International and Its Clubs?

  • They provide scholarships to all Optimist Districts for the top places for Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH contests.
  • For the World Oratorical Championship, they provide scholarships to the Regional Winners and to the winners of the National U.S. and International Contestants.
  • They provide significant funding for Junior Optimist International programs.
  • They support the Junior Optimist Golf Program.
  • They assist OI with marketing, produce the magazine, send mailings and other services.

How Does OIF Support OI Clubs?

  • Club Grants: $250 – $1000 grant for new projects
  • Childhood Health and Wellness Matching Grants: $250 – $1000 grants for projects related to the four focus areas of Healthy lifestyles, chronic illness, mental health, disabilities
  • Disaster Relief Grant: $1,000 grants for clubs to work in their communities after natural disasters. Contact Cheryl Brenn at OI for more information.
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